Getting busy…
on your daily tasks can be more difficult than it needs to be! How many times do we say to ourselves “it can wait until after lunch” or tomorrow or next month… Probably more times than we would like to admit.
I have learned some really useful tips for avoiding procrastination during my studies at University where procrastination isn’t an option because I’ve been juggling a full-time career, full-time university studies and a relationship.
1. Become consciously aware
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why we saying that to ourselves? Is it because we don’t want to do it? Perhaps we don’t know how to do it or it is simply because there are more urgent things to be done?
This simple step can assist you with setting your priorities straight. Answer yourself honestly, no one will judge you.
2. Write a to-do list
Grab a notebook and pen and scribble out all the things you need to accomplish today, then write out the major tasks due this week. Assess the list and put them in order of priority.
By priority I don’t mean in order of what you want to do most. In fact, you should put what you want to do LEAST at the top of the list. By tackling that item first, you are left feeling accomplished, driven and motivated.
It may feel so frustrating, uncomfortable and annoying having to force yourself to do something you don’t want to do but trust me, with every negative is a positive and you will be left feeling AMAZING!
3. Plan out the time to do each task
This may seem trivial but if you plan to do 10 things on your list and time only permits you to do 6 of those 10 things, you will feel defeated. It’s an emotion we can’t escape so, set REALISTIC time frames to complete each task and keep yourself in check with those time frames.
Put your phone out of sight so you don’t get caught up on Facebook or Instagram. Put on some music if you are motivated by that. I often have music playing in the background while I am studying for an assignment or exam. It triggers pleasure receptors in your brain and releases endorphins so you feel good about what you are doing.