After the gloomier, grey months, a Spring in your Step One-Pager, is a great little action tool to keep yourself motivated, energised and on track.
This one page helps you by establishing just 1 or 2 SIMPLE goals and actions. Nothing to complicated, so you won’t feel overwhelmed.
Getting started
To get started, pick out a few action items from your larger business plan or if you’re yet to create one of those then start with a few key actions to work ON your business as opposed to IN your business. With actions identified, set out some time and completion dates and then any dollar investment required.
Then identify who’s involved, and the next step (the biggest one!) is how, here you’ll list down the steps and tasks you will need to follow so you can tick them off as you go.
Finally set a deadline ie. When is it that you want to complete the action or step by?
Your Spring project
One of the areas I’ve personally identified as a Spring project is to complete some new marketing collateral and blurbs on my business offering. The current ones still read okay but need a freshen up for today’s environment, challenges and new needs I’ve seen in clients and their environments.
I’m putting my plan into a table, like this:
What to reflect in your plan
My Spring One Pager is pinned on my noticeboard and I’m making an appointment with myself to work on this at fixed times over the next 2-3 months. I need that sort of structure as I’m easily drawn into filling my time into doing the work in my business and not on it.
Your plan needs to reflect you and your business action needs. Perhaps it relates to a new customer engagement idea or a digital solution or even developing a new system for your business operations or learning and training in an area that you see as a gap in your skills. Whatever it is, find just 1 or 2 and make them meaningful and doable ones for the Spring months.
I’m going to choose 1 more Actions for Spring to complete my one pager, the other relates to development of a new service offering, something that’s been in my head but I haven’t given sufficient time to flesh out. I think having it on my Spring One pager will help me ascertain whether it has potential on not.
Having made a start and talked about it, I’m already feeling energised and that it is definitely worthwhile.
No more Winter business blues for me.
Here’s a blank template for you to give it a try!