Whether you work in a team or are leading your own business venture, collaboration is a key capability you’ll need for professional and business success. There can be enormously powerful outcomes and mutual benefits gained from collaborations between businesses that complement each other. For many this may seem counter-intuitive. However thinking about this fast-paced, tech driven, changing marketplace, it is the lateral thinkers, the game changers and the disrupters
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Standing out from the Competition
Your business has a social media and online presence. You’re posting your ‘stuff’: blogs, industry information… You’re consistently posting. So why is your engagement down? It could be a variety of many things, but today I’m focusing on one simple foundational element:soul. In recruitment, when job-hunter numbers were low and vacancies high, we used the phrase, “a candidate’s market”. It’s commerce 101: supply and demand. In sales and marketing, today’s
The Uglier Side to Competitor Based Pricing
It’s a common temptation in a competitive market to offer the lowest, most competitive prices to attract more buyers and get them over the line. It is one of the most common pricing strategies used by small business. Before you slash your prices to get that edge over your competitor, it is worth considering the downsides to lowering your pricing as well as other strategies that might help you maintain