Do you want to leap? Not quite brave enough to take that first seemingly insurmountable step into your own business or the next phase of your career? How do you deal with risk?
Success in the long term involves taking some risk, taking a plunge into the somewhat unknown and being out of our comfort zones. Due to our different hard wiring and thinking preferences, we all handle risk differently.
Here are a few tips on understanding how you can make risk taking and that flying leap less daunting:
1. Know what your landing pad looks like! – Be clear on your intention. The safest way to embark on risk is to land on a place that resembles your vision and where you intended to be. So, ensure you have set your goals and have a clear-cut vision on what it is you want and what it will look like.
2. Determine your Risk quotient – How certain are you about what you know? If you’re too confident about your knowledge or not confident enough, your Risk Quotient will suffer i.e. your ability to estimate probabilities accurately, or having the right amount of certainty to make educated guesses. Create a list of what you do and don’t know, and be comfortable with both sides of the equation.
3. Reach out for support with enthusiasm: People are attracted to your passion and commitment. Talk to trusted confidantes, role models and contacts about your business and career ideas. Ask for just 1 insight from each.
4. Develop a business plan to take your idea further. With your landing pad clearly in sight, and a good idea of your risk appetite, diminish the unanticipated events by having a three-year business plan before you leap. Business planning templates can be simple and straightforward. Remember your business plan is not cast in stone. It allows you to explore options and strategies to achieve your goals.
5. Take a Leap and come from your strengths. Play to your strengths. Be clear on what they are and stick to them as your platform to spring from.
6. Claim Victory: Acknowledge your accomplishments and share your success with those around you. The same tribe who you reached out to for support, are there to share your success and the credit your deserve for conquering your fears. Don’t be afraid to engage them on the next part of your journey.
7. Don’t stop: success breeds success – advance new goals!
You’ve got this Drummers! Go on, conquer your small biz fears.